A Helpful Tool

April is nearly here! If the weather doesn’t have you itching for spring maybe our easy to use website and tools will. With so many new varieties of plants being introduced every year it can seem overwhelming on what is what and what works and what doesn’t. We want to break through all the confusion and give you the best resources we have to assist you in choosing materials for your landscape.

Our exceptional staff have dedicated hundreds of hours in creating and updating our website to reflect the plant varieties and other materials that we provide to the Coulee Region. The Plants & Products tab is the place to go when looking for specific plants or plant varieties. Here you can browse the plant categories based upon your landscape needs; albeit a tree, perennial or anything in between. Our staff diligently update these lists over winter to reflect our incoming spring plants. Although, these lists are updated regularly, they do not reflect out inventory at any given time. We recommend that you come and visit the garden center or give us a call to see if we have the items you are seeking.

In addition to our plant lists, you will also find a wide array of resources in the Plants & Products tab. Not sure how to care for your new plants? Our watering guide is available to you along with future care insights such as pruning, overwintering in a container and insects and pests. Here, too, you can find additional links to visit our grower’s websites, maybe order a plant or two directly from Monrovia, or dig deeper in researching that perfect plant for your yard.

Try something new. Take some time to explore our website and see what hidden gems can be found among the many plant options that Trees Today can provide for you. Finally, our staff is only one call, email or visit away to answer any of your questions.


See you at the garden center!