Roses for Fall Color? You Bet!

Did you know that most modern shrub roses bloom well into Fall?  Many are still blooming at the end of October.  Granted you won’t have the orange and rust colors associated with fall, but you will get deep reds, bright reds, pinks, yellows, whites and peach colors from these blooming roses.  Check out our vast array of roses and talk with a staff person about what type of rose best suits your need and how easy they are to grow.  You will enjoy their color from mid-June through October.  At present, we have 19 varieties of roses in stock.  Check out our latest rose to arrive, the “Nitty Gritty Peach” rose.


Nitty Gritty Peach rose
Photo by Trees Today Nursery


Nitty Gritty Peach Rose
Photo by Trees Today Nursery