Fall Planting

Why Plant in Fall?

There are many reasons.  The soil is still warm enough to encourage roots to grow whereas in spring the soil is still warming up from the winter.  Due to the fact that the plant no longer produces many flowers or foliage, the plant is able to spend a lot of its energy building roots.  There is less shock and stress to the plant as it is about to go into dormancy.  Planting in fall gives your plant a 6 month head start against spring plantings.  Your plants will have less insects to deal with.  Then there are the benefits of less weeds and less watering.

Fall is also a time to divide some  perennials.  Some perennials that benefit from dividing in fall are asters, native coneflowers, monardas (bee balms), day lilies, liatris, peonies, black eyed susans, garden phlox and creeping phox, siberian iris, bearded iris and veronica.  This is not an all inclusive list but tries to list the most common perennials.  If you are unsure if your plant should be divided in fall, google the plant or talk to a knowledgeable person.

Fall planting is not just for perennials, but shrubs and trees also benefit from fall planting.

Our nursery still has lots of perennials in stock available for immediate planting.  Stop in before fall turns into winter.


Ornamental Grasses

Did you know that there are cool season ornamental grasses and warm season ornamental grasses? Following are some warm and cool season grasses.  The ornamental grasses we carry are all clump forming meaning that every few years they should be divided to prevent  no grass growing in the middle of the clump.

Cool Season Ornamental Grasses:
These grasses start growing in early spring, usually erupting from the ground in May. They generally are shorter then the warm season grasses. When the weather becomes very hot and dry they will go dormant.   Cool season grasses generally start blooming late June or early July. Some cool season grasses that we carry and are in stock are:

Karl Foerster feather reed grass

Avalanche Feather Reed Grass
Photo courtesy of  Baileys


Warm Season Ornamental Grasses
These grasses usually do not erupt from the ground until Late May or June, or when the soil has warmed up.

Miscanthus Flame Grass
Photo courtesy of Baileys

Northwind Switch Grass
Photo by Trees Today Nursery


Switchgrass Shenandoah. Photo courtesy of Monrovia Nursery

Prairie Dropseed grass
Photo courtesy of Baileys Nursery











Blue Heaven Little Bluestem,  Photo courtesy of Baileys Nursery

Red Silver Japanese Grass, Photo courtesy of Baileys Nursery

















My Monet Purple Effect Weigela

We have a new weigela in stock. My Monet Purple Effect Weigela gets abundant pink flowers in late spring. Its’ neat variegated leaves start off green with white edges and eventually takes on purple tones as the growing season progresses. This plant is great for borders, mass plantings and containers as it only grows to about a foot and half in height and two feet wide.  Click here for more information on this plant.

My Monet Purple Effect Weigela.   Photo courtesy of Proven Winners or www.provenwinners.com



My Monet Purple Effect Weigela.       Photo courtesy of Proven Winners or www.provenwinners.com






Hooray for Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are perhaps the most showy, prolific and easy growing shrub around.  They come in many sizes, colors and appropriateness for different soils.  The shrubs are long living and extremely vigorous.  The mopheads offer up some astonishing huge blooms that you can see from some distance.  Some want only morning sun whereas others want full sun.  They make great foundation plants or look terrific in pots.  Some of the types of hydrangeas that grow in our area are the big leaf mophead (Endless summer), the smooth (Annabelle), and the panicle (the woody type like Limelight).  Because there are so many varieties we recommend you talk to a staff person who can direct you to the right hydrangea to plant for your conditions.  The following plants are some of the hydrangeas that we have carried.  These plants may or may not be in stock.


hydrangea paniculata strawberry shake

hydrangea seaside serenade newport














Endless summer summer crush hydrangea


Invincible Ruby hydrangea

Berry White


Vanilla Strawberry


Hydrangea blue enchantress

Staff Designs

Our staff is very talented with putting together flowers and shrubs that go together.   If you need help, they are here to help guide you to choose plants that go together not only in appearance, but plants that have the same requirements for water, soil and light.  They are more then happy to assist you.  Below are two designs they did.  They are very conscience in determining how colors blend together.

Display features Congo Line sedum, Russian sage, Scotch moss and Evolution Fiesta coneflower.


Fountain, Scotch moss, Pandora ligularia and Younique silvery pink astilbe.

Good News!

Good news. Our perennial tables are full again with a variety of perennials and our shrubs and trees have been replenished.  Plus, we are getting another truck load of plants in this week, the week of June 18th. We should now have your favorites in stock, from grasses to cone flowers, from dogwood to oak trees and everything in between. We still have a good selection of annuals at 50% off.   Stop in before our selections become limited.

Rose Care

Do your roses look as good or better then the following pictures?   If not, perhaps next year, or even this year yet, give them a scoop or two of Fertilome Rose & Flower Food.  I was always skeptical about using fertilizer, except for Miracle Grow, as a waste of money.  Well this spring when it was time to prune my roses, I put two scoops of this fertilizer by each rose bush and what a difference!   My roses, and I have about 15, all look wonderful this year and as of today, June 5th, they have started blooming.   I also used this same fertilizer around many of my perennials and they, too, are looking fantastic.  At first I was wondering why everything looks so good this year, then I remembered that I used this fertilizer.   Well from now on I am a believer and will be using this every spring and whenever else I think a flower needs a boost.  It is recommended to reapply every 30 days.   Stop in at Trees Today and pick up a bag of this fertilizer.  It is a systemic, meaning that it is taken up by the roots of the plant, PLUS it is an insecticide.

Fertilome Rose & Flower Food


Red Double Knock Out Rose


Pink Double Knock Out Rose


Niitty Gritty Yellow Rose


The Itoh Peony

Have you seen the new Itoh peonies yet?  They are a cross between the tree peony and the common herbaceous peony.   The main differences are that the Itoh stems are much sturdier, the Itoh’s bloom for 3-4 weeks and can have 30-60 blossoms per plant and up to 6″ wide,  depending on the variety.   Itoh blossoms are exquisite, coming in more colors like yellow, apricot, coral, purples and then the usual array of pinks.  If Itoh flowers are protected from the hot afternoon sun, they can last as long as 14 days in your garden.  They are very fast growing, maturing to about 3 ft tall by 3-1/2 ft wide.  Planting in the morning sun is preferable although they can be planted in filtered to full sun.  The lush mound of Itoh foliage is another plus as it makes a nice looking shrub and often turn color in fall.  Deer generally avoid them.  It is recommended that for a real WOW, plant 3-5 in a cluster although one single specimen alone, or in a pot puts on quite the show also.   The downside is that they are more expensive then the herbaceous peonies, but once established they viturally are carefree and can last up to 50 years.  Consider them an investment.


Itoh Takara Treasure peony

Itoh Keiko pink peony


Itoh Cora Louise peony

Itoh yellow peony


Itoh Singing in the Rain peony

Itoh Julia Rose peony

Delosperma Alan’s Apricot Ice

Delosperma ‘Alan’s Apricot

This hardier succulent is perfect for higher elevations and more northernly areas of the western US. An excellent, waterwise, flowering groundcover, with softs shades of pink, yellow, and apricot. A 2016 Plant Select® Winner. Evergreen.

Light:  Full sun
Bloom:  Late spring thru summer
Size:  2″ tall x 15″ wide
Zone:  4-10

Information courtesy Monrovia Nursery

Lenten Rose / Hellebores

Hellebores, or Lenten Roses, typically bloom late winter or very early spring in Zone 4. They are among the very first flowers to bloom, sometimes around the time Lent starts, thus the name Lenten Roses. The foliage is thick and very low to the ground. Flowers are about 2″ wide and the thick foliage is pretty much deer and rabbit resistance which is good, as the foliage tends to stay green year round. When planting, it is important to keep the crown of the plant above ground. If the crown is planted below ground, there is a good chance the plant will die. Once established, hellebores live up to the sleep, creep and leap motto. The first year planted they do very little, the second year they are establishing roots, and the third year and beyond they really start leaping, providing tons of flowers. Plant them close to your house so you can appreciate their beauty. They will bloom even if there is snow on the ground.  A few of the Lenten Roses we carried last year are below:

          Cascade Picotte Lenten Rose
Photo courtesy of Monrovia Nursery


First Kiss Moondance Lenten Rose
Photo courtesy of Monrovia Nursery


Winter Jewels Black Diamond Lenten Rose
Photo courtesy of Monrovia Nursery


Forst Kiss Pennys Pink Lenten Rose
Photo courtesy of Monrovia Nursery

Christmas Decor

Merry Christmas.  Stop in at Trees Today Nursery for all your Christmas greenery needs.  We have:  Christmas trees, balsam garland, spruce tops, boughs, swags, wreaths, porch pots and red dogwood branches.  Some items sell out fast, so if you want something in particular, we suggest you stop in soon.  Our hours have changed so make sure you check out the new hours on our home page.


Porch Pot 2022


Porch Pot 2022


Christmas Trees 2022